A management system for companies provides the structure, direction and accountability for those who perform the work of your organization. It is the framework that your company employs to set goals and strategies, as well as the tools that you employ by your team members to achieve the results you need whether it’s to comply with legal requirements regarding safety at work or to boost profits through leaner processes.
Management systems are based upon the assumption that tasks will be assumed to manage themselves if all processes are documented and the responsibilities assigned. This is not always true in practice, however this is the ideal that companies set when introducing company management systems.
This is the case for virtually all management systems, whether they are for sustainability, quality energy, information security, or even energy. They all share the same essential roles: plan and carry them out, evaluate metrics, and improve systematically. This is the reason you can find a variety of similar tools available on the market.
Since management systems affect every aspect of the business and typically have a cross-functional focus it is a waste of time to run different systems simultaneously. Creating an idea management system in addition to the one you already have to manage quality for example, can result in unnecessary burdens for employees and does not make sense from an ISO perspective too. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly important to implement a management system software that combines several existing and new systems under one umbrella.